Julio Montero

Regional Director (Toronto)


Desktop Publishing (DTP)-More Than Just Formatting

You want your translated documents to match your originals both in format and content. To achieve this, you must consider the DTP implications at the beginning of a project. Documents that contain images, graphics, cross-references, footnotes, tables and charts are especially vulnerable to accrued costs and benefit from the following treatment:

Best practices:

Provide editable source files* from these programs:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Frame Maker

 *If you don’t have access to these, we can manually transcribe and convert the content, but this is more expensive and time consuming.

 Send us the associated file elements:

  • Fonts
  • Graphic files
  • Links
  • Target language mock-ups

Share visual references:

  • PDF versions of the files
  • Layout screenshots

Consider proofreading your mock-ups

  • Proofreading by a linguist is strongly advised before publication. This ensures that mistakes are not introduced during the final formatting or upload.

Did you know?

  • Text is extracted from your files for translation and then imported back into the final format.
  • Linguists rarely work directly in DTP programs.
  • Text within pictures must be processed manually.
  • Spanish or French will run 20% to 30% longer than English. 
  • Languages such as Urdu and Arabic are written from right to left, which impacts the placement of all visual elements.
  • Document flexibility is required to allow margins, fonts, page breaks, graphic placement and image sizing to fit in the spaces available.

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