Charles Lawton

Web validation, or message balancing.

Your website is your business card, your sales pitch; it’s an advertisement at the edge of a highway; its your prospectus; its a message in a bottle; it’s your homework left on the teacher’s desk; it’s the ball you threw and can’t get back… it’s… it’s… it’s…

—that’s enough; you get the idea. Turn to our specialists for ensuring quality both in substance and in form.

Is your wording accurate? Is the tone appropriate? Is the objective clearly stated? Are there any repetitive passages, redundant sections, or words that are superfluous, profuse, excessive or too much? Do the ideas, headings and pages flow naturally? Was the reader’s interest strengthened? Have you had enough of my questions?...

—Do you understand the importance of being succinct, yet covering everything?

Words are all well and good, but what about functionality? Are your French, English and other versions balanced and saying the same thing? Do the links lead to the appropriate section, in the right language? Do your images reflect the appropriate cultural context? Are your texts, titles and product names consistent across the site?

Our web 101 validation specialists and our content management system will prevent you from having those annoying 404 errors.

In order to get that click between you and your clients, rely on Megalexis web validation services. Although time is precious, the textual and functional aspects of your site are just as invaluable.

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